Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Question 2 - Jesus "Comes Quickly" with "Rewards

"And, Behold I come Quickly, and My reward is with Me to give EVERY man according as his work shall be" (Rev 22:12).
In this Blogsite we show that, when Jesus comes, He will reward "everyone," not just a few. Can Jesus, "Reward every man" when He, "Comes Quickly," if the Great Tribulation has not occurred yet?  If Pre-Trib is correct about a Rapture occurring 7 years before the Second Coming, there'll still be, "144 Thousand" special Jews, plus a "Great Multitude" of people that will not even believe in Jesus when He comes to take His people to Heaven!  Pre-Trib says all Tribulation Converts would be, "Left Behind" when Jesus comes "Quickly."

Un-Answered Question to Ponder
Pre-Trib says the next event in God's plan is Jesus "Coming Quickly." Pre-Trib calls this the Rapture, and says the144 Thousand Special Jews will be "Left Behind" because, at that time, they are rejecting Jesus as their Savior. If Jesus  "Comes Quickly," and leaves 144 Thousand Jews, can He Reward them at that time? And what about that "Great Multitude which no man can number" converted to Christianity during the Tribulation? If these are Rewarded 7 years after Jesus "Comes Quickly," Christ's words to John are incorrect! If the Reader is a Pastor ,you've surly wondered about this. You've no doubt been concerned that the Bible Text doesn't fit into what you've been taught and taught your congregation. The fact that the Bible Verse we are studying starts with the word "And" means that the verse is a continuation of the former verse, which reads, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; he that is filthy, let him be filthy still...(Rev.22:11)." By keeping these verses together as they are in the Bible, we must conclude that there will be no persons after the Rapture that will change from being lost to being saved. If this is true, what does this do to the whole Pre-Trib Rapture Theory?

If, however, when Jesus "Comes Quickly," He resurrects EVERY man, woman, and child since Creation that was saved before their death, and if He takes these, along with EVERY living person on earth that is a Believer when He, "Comes Quickly,"  and if there'll be no more opportunities for unsaved lost people (See Rev.22:11), and if all the unsaved die when He "Comes Quickly," Jesus' statement to John makes perfect sense.  If, however, this does not happen, is Christ's statement correct?

The Deeper Pondered Question 

Pre-Trib declares that, "Only New Testament Church People" receive their rewards when Jesus "Comes Quickly." Thus, according to them, instead of "Rewarding Every Man" when He Comes, Jesus rewards only a small portion of believers. Pre-Trib also says that when Jesus "Comes Quickly," the wicked receive no rewards for their wickedness, but have a second chance of 7 more years to repent. Pre-Trib also teaches that there will be another 1000 years during which time billions of people will be deciding what their "Rewards" will be! In order to examine all of the Pondered Questions we must deal with, let's list all the people Pre-Trib claims will be excluded from receiving, "Rewards When Jesus Comes Quickly":

  • 144 Thousand - Pre-Trib says these will be "Left Behind" when Jesus Comes, but the Bible says these are the principle members of the Bride of Christ and will be especially honored when Jesus comes. The Bible says these 144 Thousand will also be especially honored throughout eternity.
  • Un-Numbered Multitude - The Bible is not totally clear as to who these people actually are, but it is clear that they, "Came out of Great Tribulation" (Rev. 7:15) and will be in Heaven after Jesus "Comes Quickly." They "stand before the Throne and before the Lamb"  (Vs.9)!  
  • Old Testament Believers - Pre-Trib says there'll be No Old Testament believers Resurrected when Jesus "Comes Quickly," but that these people will be Resurrected 7 years later at His Second Coming.
  • Millennium People - Pre-Trib says there'll be another 1000 years during which Millions, even Billions, of people will be born after Jesus "Comes Quickly!"  If Pre-Trib is correct, obviously these un-born people could not receive their rewards when Jesus comes. 
Who is Rewarded when Jesus Comes?
 What if, at Christ's Coming, All the Righteous Saved, dead or alive, will go to Heaven with Him and ALL of the Un-Saved Wicked living will be, "Destroyed by the brightness of His Coming" (2Thess.2:8; see also Rev.19:15, Rev.14:10, Isa.66:15-16)? What if death is the reward of all the wicked when Jesus "Comes Quickly," and Heaven is the reward of all the Righteous?  Would this make Jesus' statement correct when He said He will, "Reward EVERY Man according as his works shall be?"   

Also, Pastor, what if the Bible says that, just before Jesus "Comes Quickly," He will make an announcement declaring that no more unsaved wicked people have opportunity to convert and become Believers? Following is the context of the Bible Verse we are examining. "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I  COME Quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give EVERY man according as his work shall be" (Rev.22:11-12)! If Jesus makes this proclamation just before He "Comes Quickly," can there be Non-Believers switching to Believers after He comes?  If these Bible Verses mean what it appears they mean, Pre-Trib possible?

We appeal to all Pre-Trib Ministers, all Christian Ministers, and all Church members to pray for God's Spirit to guide us as we prepare for Christ's Coming. We are NOT trying to change anyone's Church affiliation. Dear Reader, if you are a Pastor, there's no doubt you want to present only Truth to your congregation. Please pray for God's Spirit to give you words and wisdom. He will absolutely!! If the Reader is a Church member in a Pre-Trib Church, or any Church, please share with your Pastor what you learn as you study your Bible and the Holy Spirit guides you. Don't be afraid! God's Spirit will also give you the words. 

Thank You SO MUCH, Dear Reader, for your time and interest. Let's ask God to, "send His Holy Spirit to Guide us into all Truth... and show us things to come" (Jn.16:13)!
Your Brother in Christ
Walter C. Martin Jr.

Check Our Other Websites:

Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Post-Tribulation Second Coming of Jesus
Will We Eat Pigs During the Millennium?

Planet Earth WILL be Destroyed After the 1000 Years!
New Jerusalem - How BIG is It?
Great White Throne Judgment Seat - When and Where
Christ's Kingdom - Millennial or EVERLASTING?

Hell Fire
Is God Torturing People Now
Did Jesus Suffer ALL of Your Hell?
The Rich Man and Lazarus?
The Dead - Dead or Alive - What is Death?
Did Jesus Die YOUR Death for You?
Will Satan Ever Die - Bible Says "YES!"
Testing Our Doctrine About Death
The Dead Stand Before Great White Throne Judgment Seat

The Gnostics Attack the Sabbath
Were Gnostics Really Christian?
Were Gnostics Satan's Implants into the Church?
Is Gnosticism Alive and Well in Today's Churches
Church is Israel - Israel is Church
Is the Church Israel and Israel the Church?
Is the Bride of Jesus the 144 Thousand?
Did Jesus Offer the Jews a Millennial Kingdom in His Ministry?
Will New Jerusalem Sit in Israel? How Big is It?
Christ's REAL EVERLASTING Kingdom is for ALL Believers!

The Sabbath
Is it a Sin to Observe the Sabbath?
Is There a Connection Between the Rapture and the Sabbath?
Will the Sabbath Be Observed By God's People During the Tribulation?
Who REALLY Changed the Sabbath in Early Christianity?
Un-Answered and Un-Answerable Sabbath Questions For Popular Preachers
How to Test Your Doctrine Concerning the Sabbath

Marriage in Heaven - Millennial Kingdom?
Strange Animal/Demons the Millennium?
Why Jesus Hasn't Come to Take Us To Heaven?
Teachers of Anomia (Law Annulling)
Good Ministers Teaching Against God's 10 Commandments?
Teaching of Anomia - The Reason Jesus Hasn't Come Yet?
Pre-Trib Rapture and Sabbath
Pre-Trib Rapture and the Sabbath?

Walter C. Martin Jr.
Everlasting Gospel Ministries

These are just a few of the questions we examine in our Websites.
Thank you, Dear Reader,  for checking them. Please feel free to give us your comments and feedback if you look at our Sites.  If you send us your questions or comments, we will try to answer and add your question to these Websites. We will Not give your name or E-Mail address to ANY ONE or ANY Church Group or Denomination! Nor will we send you ANY annoying E-Mails!! It is NOT our purpose to get you to withdraw from your present Church, but to invite you to present things you learn here to your Pastor and Friends.
Let's pray that God will continue sending His Holy Spirit to guide as we prepare for Jesus to come. Thank You!
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr


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